Apr 23, 2018

Random Band Name Generator Program

          A few months back, I compiled and posted a few lists of words of various sorts, over 10,000 of them all in all.  Shortly afterwards, I started putting them to use in various Mad-Libz style generators.  Now, I'm far from an expert coder (I've only taken two courses), so it's little more than some simple Java random functions in a choice framework, but eventually I'll get around to porting a Javascript or HTML version so you good people of the internet can take advantage of it as well - if anyone shows any interest, that is :)

          The result was a remarkably fun and even possibly almost useful band name generator that can spit out a couple thousand ideas per second; a bit faster than you can review them, at any rate.

(much more after the break)

Apr 10, 2018

Remember the good old days?

I've been learning keyboard for the past 2-3 weeks so this was a very fun way to, ahem, apply my skills.